Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Cursed With Your Love

          You won’t let me live or you will let me die… you never understood how deep were the wound of mine or how weak I was. You never realized the emptiness in me and you were covered with all dimensional happiness and the crowd of your known ones and thus you forgot to turn back to me and to check whether I ever needed you with me. When I was in the middle of life and death you were safe and was not protective of me, when I was hiding in the dark shades, afraid of my life’s situations, you never cared. You never come back for me and I was always hoping that you would come as knight shining armor to bring me back to life…. Now, at last when my war with the world is over and when it’s time to say goodbye you have come for me….It’s too late to undo any of your mistakes. And you won’t get your love once you lost.
    It’s hard even for me to say goodbye because I waited such a long time for you. Now you see because of you, life didn’t give me any of its happiness and death is now ready to give me pain. You have lived your life without me and I have lost my life without you… 

Confused Love

       Love is never easy. It will never come to your hand without shedding a drop of tear or blood... Sometimes things gradually seem different, we question ourselves is the person you love is really in love with you? Or will he change someday? Or will he walk away from you? People are always possessive in the matter of their love. It’s just really not a bad emotion if it’s controlled. It’s just that they don’t want to lose their precious love which they want to protect and preserve till their last breath.

    Sometimes it becomes too late to realize that the person is not like you thought before or you may think you didn’t expect this from them or you feel he/she is not the right one for me. The confused situations may always come in our lives and sometimes we get more than one option that is whether to accept your decision as your fate or to turn back and choose another person who you believe in. Life will give you many choices but, it’s your decision to choose one. And once the choice is made it’s not easy to forget or not possible to undo it, but you can always start a new life again. Its only that scar of memories will never die. It will always be there in your heart. So, be careful in making any decision which involves your heart and your mental health.

Friday, April 22, 2011

The Reason I Love You ...

                          There is no other reason for love other than love... If we truly love someone, that is not because they have good looks or good wealth... we love them because we feel they are part of ourselves, without them we are like empty glasses... and we can't afford their loss in our life.... People come into our lives and leave their footprints in our heart and we just cant forget them ...and True love needs no reason ...It just needs that our love is true....We should not choose people by their reasons, because the reason you to love them today may not persist for tomorrow, like beauty, wealth or health  you cannot guarantee any of these...and if any of these disappears tomorrow, you will not have any reason to love them and you just don't love them....remember, a reason never persists, choose whom you want to live with and who wants to live with you...
  Sometimes, even though people have bad habits , we may love them...and sometimes we love them for their bad habits. There is no restriction in the heart, But the mind has the job to and filter what is good and what is bad. There happens a war between mind and heart... and we get confused... if you listen to your heart ,you have to trust your heart more than anything in the world... and always take a decision by combining both mind and heart because both are part of us.
          " I never asked myself why we met, I never thought that I fall for you, I never realized that I was so alone before and just don't know why I love you...... I just know that I love you truly and I love you forever............."                                                                                                                                                             Thank you...